Black Widow spider cap run
I'm offering a Black Widow spider cap run.
Price = 15k
I pay the entrance
You keep your own drops
You don't attack anyone
You don't talk to anyone UNLESS I tell you to
Obviously you must be R/* or */R without a pet
Must bring 15K, so you can't say: "oops, it's still in storage" etc.
We'll be doing the quest "Servants of Grenth" and you'll be paying 7.5K right before we start it and the other half once we're done.
There are different kinds of black widows, dire, playfull etc. and they all cost the same. If you get the Dire, you're lucky, if not, then you're not:P
A run takes about 30min and I'm mainly online around 20:00 GMT+1. Just whisper me ingame since I won't be checking this threat a lot. Please understand that i have also other things to do and thus sometimes i cannot always run people.
IGN Empress Keileena